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Welcome to Mindful Science with Eva

Lecturer, Mentor, and Spiritual Guide

According to The First Law of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. As a consequence of this fundamental law, the energy of your dreams, desires, and life's purpose already exists, permeating your surroundings and forming part of your energetic field. Your task is to cultivate awareness and tap directly into this reservoir of potential, translating it into reality through mindful and aligned action. This process is how you manifest your wishes – it is not just magic; it is the science of energy transformation. Or perhaps, it is a bit of both?

Love & Light

Always & 4eva

Meet Eva

Doctor, Teacher, Certified in Quantum Healing, Card Reading, Crystal Energy Healing, and Channeling

Mindful Science with Eva is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential through a seamless blend of science and spirituality. With a background in molecular and cellular biology and certifications in quantum healing, card reading, crystal energy healing, and channeling, Eva provides evidence-based guidance and support to help you achieve your wildest dreams. She believes in the power of the mind-body connection and utilizes a holistic approach to wellness. Let Eva guide you on your journey towards self-discovery and transformation.  

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English & Science


$40/888 Kč

1 lesson, 1 lekce

$140/3 111 Kč

4 lessons, 4 lekce

Personalized Guided Meditations

$111/2 444 Kč

Meditation in mp3/mp4


Accountability support

Card Reading and Channeling

$75/ 1 650 Kč

30 minutes/minut

$111/ 2444 Kč

1 hour/hodina

Quantum Healing

$250/5 500 Kč

30 minutes/minut

$444/9 777 Kč

1 hour/hodina

Special bundle prices available



Price per inquiry

Upcoming Events

  • May 12, 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
    Zoom meeting
    Ve spolupráci s MUDr. Katarínou Kolarovovou pořádáme měsíční setkání, kde začínáme vedenou meditací, pokračujeme průvodcem aktuálním nastavením energetického pole země, jeho vlivu na nás a doporučením, jak s ním pracovat a končíme čtením tarotových karet pro kolektiv.

Begin your journey towards self-discovery and transformation today. Book a session with Eva to start realizing your wildest dreams.


Cinthia Gambino MSM, SHRM-SCP | Creator of the ITMYS™ Method

"Every healer needs a healer and Eva has been a beautiful and safe space for my continued healing and release for the work I do for myself and others. I always recommend her CRT sessions to my clients who are looking for further support in recalibrating their beliefs and emotions. Her sessions are an added layer of support to integrate new beliefs and practices into our daily lives, especially for people who are in service to others. I will always use Eva and her sessions for as long as I continue to work to be in service myself."

Follow Mindful Science with Eva on YouTube

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